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Product backlog and user story – tools to streamline daily operations
The product backlog is among the most important artifacts in Scrum. It is through this solution that it is possible to work together, establish responsibilities and track progress. It is also equally important to come up with stories related to the product and discuss particular functionalities. Learn practical information about the user story and backlog…
26 Jul | 2024
An idea for an app and what’s next? How do you plan the next steps from idea to finished product?
Brilliant mobile app ideas are simple and deeply researched. However, it turns out that the key to success is the right plan of action to help realize the idea and turn it into a finished product. So what can be done to bring an idea for an application to life? We present a digital product…
6 Jul | 2024
IT project audit: Is your project achieving its intended goals?
Today's IT infrastructure is increasingly complex. In order to manage it efficiently, it is necessary to have a holistic view of problems and imperfections. Fortunately, an IT audit helps overcome difficulties by providing an accurate diagnosis. Find out what an IT project audit is, find out if you need such a service, and learn all…
6 Jul | 2024
7 Tips On How To Take Care Of Web Application Security
The security of web applications requires more and more work. This is because they are vulnerable to hacking attacks and network threats. Cyber security is therefore becoming increasingly important. Do you know how to provide effective protection against threats? In this article, we will discuss 7 effective methods that will allow you to protect your…
6 Jul | 2024

Future Code Guides

What Is IT Staff Augmentation and How It Works (CompleteGuide)What Is IT Staff Augmentation and How It Works (Complete Guide)
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, staying competitive is paramount for any IT business, and having an elite development team is a must. The challenge lies in maintaining a team with the right skills and size to adapt to new technologies and address contemporary challenges without the time-consuming and costly process of traditional IT hiring.
Ultimate Guide Software Development in the Modern EraUltimate Guide: Software Development in the Modern Era
When  getting into software development, the countless considerations to keep in mind may be daunting. As you seek to enhance your business operations or create new products, partnering with the right software development team becomes necessary. 
What Is Tech Sales All You Have to Know About Selling Tech SolutionsWhat Is Tech Sales? All You Have to Know About Selling Tech Solutions
This article serves as a resource for tech business owners looking to enhance their strategies for selling IT services and technology products. In this guide, we'll provide you with essential knowledge, practical insights, and tips to navigate the intricacies of this field. Whether you're an experienced sales professional or new to the tech industry, we…
How to Recruit in ITHow to Recruit in IT – A Step-By-Step Guide to Hiring the Best IT Talents
The hunt for exceptional IT talents is an ongoing challenge faced by companies of all sizes. If you’re struggling to manage your IT recruitment process, we’re here to help.
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IT&Business Consulting

Product backlog and user story – tools to streamline daily operations
The product backlog is among the most important artifacts in Scrum. It is through this solution that it is possible to work together, establish responsibilities and track progress. It is also equally important to come up with stories related to the product and discuss particular functionalities. Learn practical information about the user story and backlog…
IT project audit: Is your project achieving its intended goals?
Today's IT infrastructure is increasingly complex. In order to manage it efficiently, it is necessary to have a holistic view of problems and imperfections. Fortunately, an IT audit helps overcome difficulties by providing an accurate diagnosis. Find out what an IT project audit is, find out if you need such a service, and learn all…
You have an idea, but have you already chosen a good software house?
Would you like to expand your business and you even already have an idea in what direction, but you still don't know how to do it? A good software house can help you with this. However, you may want to start with what such a company does and how to choose the right one. In…
ROI of IT Process AutomationROI of IT Process Automation: How to Measure and Maximize It
IT process automation is the use of technology or software to automate repetitive tasks in an organization. It accelerates IT infrastructure and application delivery, minimizing cost and effort. Organizations that use IT workflow automation increase business efficiency, reduce human errors, and bring consistency to service. And ROI is necessary to get insight into the workflow,…
AI Plugins for CybersecurityAI Plugins for Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Digital Assets
Cybercrime has been one of the most threatening problems in the digital world, and it is becoming more common despite many efforts to detect threats and reduce personal data breaches. However, despite these efforts, the global cybercrime cost is expected to reach USD 10.5 trillion by 2025. That is why it is vital to prioritize…
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Tech Sales

A Guide to Industry-Specific Software and SaaS VerticalsA Guide to Industry – Specific Software and SaaS Verticals
4 Jun | 2024
Understand the growing popularity of Industry-Specific Software. Explore the benefits of adopting Vertical SaaS and how tailored solutions drive sales and efficiency.
How Process Automation Enhances Customer ExperienceHow Process Automation Enhances Customer Experience?
18 May | 2024
Process automation is the use of technology to automate various business processes. These automation tools are generally powdered by AI and ML and are used to recommend products based on customers’ browsing and purchase history. Not only that! The automation process also improves customer interaction by using chatbots, asking necessary questions, and ensuring personalized automation…
Sales as a ServiceThe Strategic Advantage of Sales as a Service for Tech Companies 
7 May | 2024
Discover the strategic advantage of Sales as a Service for tech companies. Leverage big data analytics and the latest sales technologies to refine sales approaches
How to sell SaaSHow to Sell Software as a Service Products? SaaS Sales Models and Cycle
4 Apr | 2024
In today’s evolving digital landscape, knowing how to sell SaaS has become a crucial skill in the tech industry.  With the popularity of Software as a Service (SaaS) increasing exponentially, businesses are evolving the way they operate by adapting flexible and cost-effective solutions to obstacles in their work pipeline. 
The Art of Consultative Selling in the Tech IndustryThe Art of Consultative Selling in the Tech Industry
3 Apr | 2024
Consultative selling, often known as “need-based selling,” is an approach where sales reps focus on building a relationship with the customers through creating dialogue. Consultative selling techniques involve understanding the customers’ needs, goals, and challenges rather than solely focusing on the product. It is a customer-centric approach that lets customers trust your product and buy…
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Software Development

An idea for an app and what’s next? How do you plan the next steps from idea to finished product?
Brilliant mobile app ideas are simple and deeply researched. However, it turns out that the key to success is the right plan of action to help realize the idea and turn it into a finished product. So what can be done to bring an idea for an application to life? We present a digital product…
7 Tips On How To Take Care Of Web Application Security
The security of web applications requires more and more work. This is because they are vulnerable to hacking attacks and network threats. Cyber security is therefore becoming increasingly important. Do you know how to provide effective protection against threats? In this article, we will discuss 7 effective methods that will allow you to protect your…
Developer requirements from Google Play. How to add an application?
Developers often wonder how to use Google Play and how to add an application to the platform. Learn about the requirements for software developers and step-by-step instructions for adding an application to your online store. Learn the rules of Google Play, how to add an app, and much more! Google Play app requirements Both Alpha…
B2B and B2C Business Application Development – What Impact Does It Have on Your Company’s efficiency?
Designing business applications is a task that requires a lot of competence. Both enterprise and end-customer applications are excellent marketing tools to reach new audiences. Learn the ins and outs of business application development and find out how to meet important business goals! Business application development - entrust this task to specialists Developing business applications…
Software architecture – the basis of a scalable project
Among the basic elements of the IT structure is the software architecture. It is a pattern of organization of individual components that allows you to stay organized and easily manage the project. Learn the definition of the term. Experience how software architecture is developed. Learn about the 3 mistakes that are made when working on…
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IT Recruitment

Employee Value Proposition ExamplesInspiring Employee Value Proposition Examples
22 Jun | 2024
In the competitive IT job market, where all companies strive to secure the top talents, embracing a compelling Employee Value Proposition (EVP) can offer a significant advantage. An EVP is a powerful statement that not only outlines what employees can expect from a company but also communicates the company's expectations of them.
Employer BrandingExploring Employer Branding for Tech Companies
6 Mar | 2024
Discover the techniques used by tech companies to create a strong employer brand that sets them apart and attracts exceptional talent.
Guide To Recruiting Software Engineers Using LinkedInGuide to Recruiting Software Engineers Using LinkedIn
6 Mar | 2024
With over 700 million professionals connecting, sharing, and pursuing their career aspirations, LinkedIn has become the go-to hub for sourcing top talent in almost every industry. By using advanced search features, engaging in networking, and employing personalized outreach strategies, recruiters can tap into LinkedIn's vast professional network to find the right software engineers for their…
Sourcing StrategiesEffective Sourcing Strategies to Find Top Tech Talent
6 Mar | 2024
The success of any tech-based organization depends heavily on the skills and expertise of its workforce. Therefore, adopting an effective talent sourcing strategy is paramount to stay ahead in the competition. This blog aims to shed light on the concept of talent sourcing, its process, and the top 10 recruitment sourcing strategies for finding the…
What Is IT Staff Augmentation and How It Works (CompleteGuide)What Is IT Staff Augmentation and How It Works (Complete Guide)
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, staying competitive is paramount for any IT business, and having an elite development team is a must. The challenge lies in maintaining a team with the right skills and size to adapt to new technologies and address contemporary challenges without the time-consuming and costly process of traditional IT hiring.
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