A high-performing organization is a result of a high-performing culture that has been put into practice. Not all companies are high performance and neither are they all performing on an excellence level. Hence, if you know a business that is creative and doing better than most other businesses, then you might want to peek into their  culture. 

Gallup’s report showed that the profitability of a venture is 21% higher where there is more employee engagement. In this article, we will be discussing what a high-performing culture really is and how it can be incorporated into a company. 

What is a High-Performance Culture?

A culture in an organization that engages employees in ways that they perform as per the profitability goals and get results accordingly can be termed a high-performance culture. In a high-performance culture, it is not only the leaders that are looking to achieve goals but even the employees are highly motivated in doing so. 

Why is HPC important in IT?

IT is one such field that demands high performers to guarantee the best possible results. However, it is hard to attract an individual who is qualified enough to help them achieve their goals unless they create a culture that best suits such IT candidates. 

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Linking HPC with IT Cost Optimization – The Key Premise

The cost of running an IT firm can be high but implementing HPC will ease the burden of heavy costs to a good extent. A high-performing culture usually results in improved performance and reduced carelessness. 

As a result, there will be an efficient use of the resources available. This leads to better cost optimization. McKinsey had come up with an idea through which they could not only reduce their IT costs with $180 million in bottom line savings but also transform their culture entirely. 

They took 150 initiatives over 4 years to ensure a high-performance culture in their IT sector with IT cost optimization in mind. Some such initiatives included off-site workshops, one-on-one sessions, site visits to enterprises with state-of-the-art IT operations, lean diagnostics, an annual survey of organizational health, the train-the-trainer approach, and they had also trained their HR professionals to provide the employees with action-planning sessions.  

How HPC supports IT cost optimization

There are several ways as to how HPC supports IT cost optimization. Some of these are:

  • Team efficiency: Executives can better utilize their human and technological resources when they implement HPC strategies. Without question, HPC helps reduce inefficiencies among both teams of employees and other resources while having them work to their fullest potential. 
  • Process innovation: HPC is all about finding new solutions to reduce unnecessary costs. This culture is more than likely to eliminate even the costs that may seem impossible to cut because the core focus is to suffice with less while keeping innovation continuous.   
  • Leveraging data and performance metrics for decision-making: Data performance is always more effective in a high-performance culture because the data are not merely collected but are utilized in decision-making. The collected data become very helpful as performance metrics for proper resource allocation, analytics, and overall cost management.  

Benefits of implementing HPC in IT cost optimization

Implementing HPC in IT cost optimization has a good number of benefits. The major ones are:

  • Increased productivity and work quality: By implementing HPC, the IT team will use less time to focus on work that adds no value to their goals. The communication among the team is going to improve as well. 

Likewise, the work quality will get better with continuous improvement. According to Forbes, popular IT companies that practice high-performance culture are Microsoft and Google. 

  • Reduction of resource waste: Better utilization of resources with minimal waste can lead to increased profits. The Gartner Cost Optimization Decision Framework is a model that emphasizes a high-performance culture that prioritizes cost optimization without simply only reducing costs. 
  • Scalability of processes within a limited budget: High-Performance Culture puts much emphasis on scaling at a limited budget. An organization tends to adjust to the ever-changing patterns of the IT sector and learns to limit overspending on the infrastructure.
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Potential challenges and risks

There sure are plenty of benefits one can dwell on when they are deciding whether they should opt for a high-performance culture. However, there are a few potential challenges associated with the culture:

  • Risk of team burnout: In the process of remaining productive and cost-efficient at all times, the human resources are likely to feel a sense of burnout. Sometimes, it can be humanly impossible to avoid burnout, especially in the IT sector, without exceeding the HPC budget. 
  • Difficulties in implementing HPC within traditional organizational structures: Though HPC focuses on innovation, it is not possible to implement the culture within traditional organizational structures. When an organization opts for the HPC, there may arise a need to do a complete 360 when it comes to the organizational structure. This does not seem realistic in the case of most companies. 

Examples of HPC applications in IT cost optimization

A business that has brilliantly justified the use of HPC in IT cost optimization with data from over 200 IT teams is Atlassian. They had collaborated with HDI (The Help Desk Institute) to sponsor first-hand research that went beyond technology to keep a high-performing IT team going. 

In their study, they found out that those who implement a high-performing culture puts business first, masters technology, invests in speed, makes customers a priority, and is proactive. Their research proved that the use of high-performing culture can guarantee 2 times more goal-oriented results and 8 times more likelihood of sharing goals with the business. 

In addition to this, high-performance teams tend to see 46% greeted ROI on technology. They are not likely to play wack-a-mole with incidents and focus directly on problem-solving by 2.5 times as well. 

While it is true that one size does not fit all, Atlassian’s study shows the impact of proper HPC application on IT cost optimization. 

Tools supporting HPC 

Cloud computing tools like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, automation tools including Ansible and Jenkins, performance monitoring and analytics tools like New Relic and Data Dog, DevOps tools such as Kubernetes and Docker, and collaboration and communication tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams tend to support HPC. 

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In IT, to implement HPC, your company has to have a clear goal first. When the leaders do not limit leadership practices within the traditional bounds, are open to continuous growth, use tools that are best suited for the automation of their teams, and learn how to implement the supporting HPC tools, encouraging the culture becomes effortless. 

Where a lot of organizations tend to fail is in keeping their employees satisfied and engaged in their culture. Focusing on monetary gains or ROI is not always the answer to fostering growth through HPC. You should be more focused on creating a culture that is both effective and preferred for long-term efficiency and cost reduction in IT.

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